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Our investigations

Ultrasound //
Lung function test 
ECG // Allergy test

VeritasMed offers medical services between doctors and patients. Depending on the question, we identify a doctor with the appropriate qualifications.

However, after consultation with our cooperating doctors, we found that some patients need further care and support after successful conventional treatment in acute cases. And here we work together with our colleague Ms. Ines Cordelia Jung. Ms. Jung is an alternative practitioner and preventologist and has been working hand in hand with conventional medicine for many years. Our goal is to offer our patients a wide range of treatment options. A good example is blood pressure problems.

A patient comes to us with high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a warning sign of a heart attack or stroke. In this case, the doctor must act quickly to prevent possible serious consequences. In this case, classic medicine comes into play with careful examinations and drug applications. As a rule, it takes time to find out the reasons for blood pressure fluctuations, as there are often several causes. When the patient is out of the acute phase, he is usually stopped with medication. Instead of a high dose of beta blockers, you can address the subject of being overweight or more exercise with the patient. If the patient is willing to move more to lower their pressure, the med. reduce dose. In addition, one could specifically address the issue of obesity and sleep disorders in order to improve the general condition. Mrs. Ines Cordelia Jung starts exactly at this point; the continuation of a treatment that is an addition to classical conventional medicine.

We offer our patients who suffer from the following symptoms alternative healing options in addition to conventional medicine:

- Nervous disorders and chronic pain conditions

- Parkinson's and MS

- complex support in long-Covid

- Depression / depression of old age

- Insomnia and many other ailments and diseases.

You can find more information under the link: Ines Cordelia Jung


Medicine is our passion! We want the patients who come to VeritasMed to only be referred to the best specialists. Our medical home visit service strives to be able to offer a comprehensive range of treatment and care. We try  to reconcile classical medicine and modern medicine.

Do you have any questions - use our form or write to us at:
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